SfRBM is providing 10 Travel Awards at $1,000 USD each to trainees and early career researchers who will be attending the 22nd Biennial SFRR International Meeting to present their latest research. Five (5) awards will be provided to trainee members (student or postdoc) and the remaining 5 for early to mid-career PIs (up to 12 years post graduate training). Applicants must be a current SfRBM member with dues paid for calendar year 2025 and reside in either North or South America. Deadline to submit is March 20, 2025.
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Eric Kelley has been elected as the new President-Elect of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). Kelley has been a long time FASEB representative for SfRBM, serving on the Board of Directors and is currently Vice President of Science Policy. He will begin his term as President-Elect in July 2024 and ascend to the President position in July 2025. Kelley will be the first SfRBM member to serve as president of FASEB, which was founded in 1912.
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On March 13, the Federation of the American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) hosted the 2024 edition of Capitol Hill Day, bringing scientists from all over the US to Washington DC to advocate for basic science funding. SfRBM was well-represented among the 46 participants - representing 130,000 scientists nationwide - who met with congressional leaders for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), and other federal agencies supporting basic science research in 2025. Our delegation included Eric Kelley, FASEB's VP of Science Policy, Marcelo Bonini, FASEB's VP of DEIA and Patrick Pagano, FASEB Board Member.
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Doug Spitz, director for the Free Radical and Radiation Biology program at the University of Iowa, will present the SfRBM Foundation’s inaugural Oberley Lectureship in Cancer and Aging during the SfRBM 2024 Conference in Savannah, Georgia. Spitz’s talk on "Exploiting Fundamental Differences in Cancer Cell Redox Metabolism for Enhancing Therapeutic Outcomes” will be given on Friday, November 22.
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SfRBM & SFRR-Europe have selected the best paper published in each of our 4 journals in 2023 - FRBM, Redox Biology, Advances in Redox Research and Redox Biochemistry and Chemistry. Congratulations to Patricia Sánchez-Pérez & Ana Mata - Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa" - Spain (FRBM), Blaze Pharoah & Chengximeng Zhang, Johns Hopkins University - USA (RB), Zhiling Zhao & Eunkyoung Kim, University of Maryland - USA (ARRES) and Nicholas Magon, University of Otago Christchurch - New Zealand (RBC).
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SfRBM's Senior Awards Committee has announced that the recipient of the 2023 Discovery Award is Dr. Stuart Lipton of the Scripps Research Institute. He is being recognized for his outstanding contributions to the process of protein S-nitrosylation as a redox mechanism for the control and regulation of protein function in health and disease.
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Free Radical Biology & Medicine is proud to be launching a new podcast series for insightful commentary and discussion of recently published Special Issues and Invited Review articles published in the journal. Each episode features an invited moderator and speaker discussing state-of-the-art research in the field of redox biology.
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