Responsible for representing trainee members to SfRBM leadership and to facilitate professional development sessions for trainees.
CHAIRNirmal Kumar |
VICE CHAIRMekhla Singhania |
SECRETARYEvan DeVallance |
COUNCIL MEMBERClint Upchurch |
COUNCIL MEMBERUpasana Ganguly |
COUNCIL MEMBERAlejandro Garcia Flores |
2023 - Isabelle Elena Logan, Maleka Stewart, Nathalia Rocco Machado, Evan DeVallance, Nirmal Kumar, Mekhla Singhania
2022 - Morgan Foret, Veronica Paviani Sampiano, Ethan Ostrom, Isabelle Logan, Maleka Stewart, Nathalia Rocco Machado
2021 - Jeffrey Stolwijk, Brian Head, Ethan Ostrom, Morgan Foret, Veronica Paviani, Phablo Abreu
2020 - Sophie Maiocchi, Katelyn Dunigan, Maria Fernanda Forni, Jeffrey Stolwijk, Brian Head, Ted Piorczynski
2019 - Archit Rastogi, Laura Corrales-Diaz Pomatto, Madelyn Espinosa-Cotton, Katelyn Dunigan, Maria Fernanda Forni, Sophie Maiocchi
2018 - Andrea Branganza, Ryan Smith, Justin Quiles, Archit Rastogi, Laura Corrales-Diaz Pomatto, Madelyn Espinosa-Cotton
2017 - Kimberly Dunham-Snary, Samantha Giordano, Philip Wages, Andrea Braganza, Ryan Smith, Archit Rastogi
2016 - Samantha Giordano, Edward Moreira-Bahnson, Adam Case, Philip Wages, Kimberly Dunham-Snary
2015 - Adam Case, Samantha Giordano, Edward Moreira-Bahnson, Philip Wages, Kimberly Dunham-Snary, Dave Schnell
Meet the 2022 Trainee Council
July 2022
Challenges in Grad School Panel Event
July 2021
Regulation of the Antiviral Response:
Are Reactive Oxygen Species Friends or Foes?
Nathalie Grandvaux, Ph.D. - October 2020
Fighting Drug Resistance with Radicals:
Targeting the Lysosome to Design Anti-Cancer Drugs.
Des R. Richardson, Ph.D. - July 2018
How Heme is Wreaking Havoc in Disease
Rakesh Patel, Ph.D. - July 2017
Nitrotyrosine: To Die or Not to Die
Alvaro Estevez, Ph.D. - May 2016
The State of the PhD: Exploring Careers Beyond the Professoriate
Laurence Frabottta, Ph.D. - October 2014
The SfRBM Mentoring Excellence Award will recognize outstanding mentorship provided by a current member of the SfRBM. The award recipient could be a junior, mid-career or senior principal investigator, who will be nominated by trainees of the SfRBM.