SfRBM is accepting nominations from members for the 2025 Discovery Award, which recognizes seminal or high-impact redox research that has been completed within the past 5 years and is given when there is a significant discovery in the field (a minimum of one award given every 5 years). The award includes a featured lecture at SfRBM's 32nd Annual Conference (SfRBM 2025) in Washington DC as well as:
Each submitted nomination must include the following:
Please note that the nominees do not have to be current SfRBM members and self-nominations are not permitted.
Completed nominations should be received by SfRBM no later than May 7, 2025. Emailed submissions are required and can be sent to
2023 - Stuart Lipton, MD, Ph.D.
2021 - Ines Batinic-Haberle, Ph.D.
2019 - Vsevolod Belousov, Ph.D. and Thomas Michel, Ph.D.
2017 - Gregg Semenza, MD, Ph.D.
2015 - Ronald Mason, Ph.D.
2013 - D. Allan Butterfield, Ph.D.
2011 - Rafael Radi, MD, Ph.D.
2009 - J. David Lambeth, MD, Ph.D.
2008 - Joe McCord, Ph.D. & Irwin Fridovich, Ph.D.
2007 - Robert Floyd, Ph.D.
2006 - L. Jackson Roberts II, MD & Jason Morrow, MD
2005 - Sue Goo Rhee, Ph.D.
2004 - Joe Beckman, Ph.D.