Page 4 - SFRBMdot July 2015
P. 4

Radical View • Rick Domann, Ph.D.

by Sumitra Miriyala, Ph.D., LSU Health Sciences Center

Since ~70% of the biological effects of gamma to understand how long-term perturbations to 

and x-ray irradiation are mediated through normal redox homeostasis such as those that 

the radiolysis of water to generate oxygen occur in pathologies are drivers of an altered 

free radicals, a natural interest in free radical epigenetic landscape that changes phenotype 

processes in biology and medicine was forged without changing genotype. The most notable 

from this background. I furthered my training achievement from our lab has been the 

at the post-doctoral level pursuing studies in discovery that unfolded over the last ive years 

molecular biology, carcinogenesis and redox- which is that the SOD3 gene that encodes the 

signaling at the University of Arizona Cancer extracellular superoxide dismutase is a potent 
Center in the laboratory of Dr. Tim Bowden. In metastasis suppressor gene and that its loss 

1993, I joined the University of Iowa and was in several human epithelial cancers causes 

fortunate to work as a colleague of Dr. Larry an acceleration of disease progression and a 

DOT: Tell us about your background and Oberley for 15 years until his untimely death decrease in metastasis-free survival. This is in 

in 2008. His inspiration helped crystalize for part due to the potent anti-inlammatory effects 
current passion in your professional life?
me a vision for how cellular redox metabolism of EcSOD; its absence allows the proliferation 

My father was an experimental physicist 
communicates with epigenetic writer and of free radical reactions that degrade and 
and I remember watching him assemble 
eraser enzymes which when perturbed lead to destroy sensitive ECM components and 
a hand blown glass vacuum apparatus to 
aberrant epigenetic marks observed in tumor accelerate invasion and metastasis.
test the hypothesis that led to his graduate 
cells. I have pursued this general concept and 
degree from the University of Vermont. My DOT: Who has been your greatest teacher? 
many other side projects during my 23 year 
own irst hands-on laboratory experience What do you think the most important factors 
tenure at The University of Iowa. The current 
outside a classroom was at Argonne National that shaped your career?
passion in my professional life is to watch 

Laboratory where I worked with Dr. Thomas the professional and career development of This is a dificult question to answer because 

Seed on low dose-rate gamma radiation- there were and still are several very important 
my numerous trainees from over the years 
induced granulocytic leukemia in canines. mentors in my life, and it is nearly impossible 
unfold as they become successful in their 
This led to an interest in radiation biology 
own independent research careers and carry to select the ONE that has had the most 
and cancer and my matriculation to the 
the torch of knowledge forward to the next inluence. I’d have to say that looking back at 
University of Wisconsin-Madison where I 
the direction of my work and the publications 
performed graduate studies in the Human 
resulting over the last 30 years that my most 
Oncology department under the mentorship DOT: Briely describe your research interest 
inluential teachers and mentors were Kelly 
and what is the most notable research 
of Dr. Kelly Clifton. My graduate training was Clifton and Larry Oberley.

in classical cellular radiation biology and achievement from your lab?
DOT: In the current climate in which 
carcinogenesis with a strong emphasis on 
organismal physiology and endocrinology.
investigators are faced with decreased NIH
metabolism, cancer and epigenetics. I seek

SFRBM Newsletter // July 2015 // Radical View • Dr. Rick Domann

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