SfRBM Blog

We’re social. Now we’re kicking it up a notch.

SFRBM has entered the blogosphere! This new blog is where the Society’s members can share observations, experiences, challenges and successes related to the work they do. The intent is not to create another publication vehicle for research papers, but we do want it to expand our online presence and strengthen the SFRBM name with a broader audience. The blog also will be another way for our members to connect and learn from each other. 

We want to know about day-to-day life as a scientist. Explain, in the most basic terms, your current research and why it matters to science and medicine. Describe the most rewarding or frustrating days and the breakthroughs. Tell us about your collaborators and mentors, stories from the classroom, or the career path that led you to the place you are today. This blog can become a collective voice to help us demystify our very complex work for a general audience and inspire new interest in what we do.

All SFRBM members are encouraged to offer submissions to be considered for our blog. Here’s how to do it. Visit, and complete the online form with your professional information. “Blog Submission” is one of the optional fields to fill in; put the text for your suggested blog post there, and it will be reviewed.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Neil Hogg, Ph.D.  SFRBM President

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